The influenza epidemic is spreading in Tokyo. It is important for all of us to be more careful in order to prevent the spread and transmission of the flu, as it is likely to turn into a major outbreak. Here are some of the things you can do to stay healthy. Wash your hands frequently. Maintain a regular schedule in your daily life and get plenty of rest. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Maintain a healthy humidity level inside your home of at least 40%, and let in fresh air often. Be careful not to cough toward others, and it’s also important to speak to your physician about getting a flu vaccine shot. The symptoms of influenza include a fever of 38 degrees centigrade or higher, headache, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and muscle and joint pain. Compared with the common cold, influenza tends to have stronger symptoms. Many people recover quickly with only minor symptoms, but people who have chronic respiratory problems like asthma or heart conditions can experience more serious problems like pneumonia. If you think you might have flu-like symptoms, please see a doctor right away.
都内では、インフルエンザの流行が広がっています。今後、大きな流行へと拡大する可能性があるため、インフルエンザの予防、拡大防止のために、より一層注意を払っていただくことが重要です。個人でできる予防対策としては、こまめな手洗い、休養・栄養・水分補給、咳エチケット、適度な室内加湿・換気。また、予防接種については、かかりつけの医師と相談しましょう。インフルエンザの症状は、38℃以上の発熱、頭痛、咳、喉の痛み、鼻水、筋肉痛、関節痛などです。一般的 な風邪に比べ、全身症状が強いことを特徴とします。多くの人は1週間程度で回復しますが、高齢者や心疾患など基礎疾患のある方は、肺炎を伴うなど、重症化することがあります。 インフルエンザが疑われる症状が出た場合は、早めに受診しましょう。
The Tokyo International Forum in Yurakucho will be hosting, "J-Culture Fest” during the New Year's holidays in 2020 as an event to introduce the charms of Japanese culture. At this event, you can experience Japanese New Year culture and cuisine at the "New Year's Theme Park" which offers local ozoni or hot rice cake soup from across Japan. Free welcome drink of sake in original Masu containers, as well as rice cakes will be given out again this year. Other traditional New Year events like kimono dressing experience, Japanese sweets cooking, handicraft workshop will be held as well as traditional Japanese games at the festival stalls. “J-Culture Fest” takes place on January 2nd and 3rd at Tokyo International Forum Hall B7, B5, E, lobby gallery and outdoor plaza. This is a free event although some programs may require an additional fee. The event site is a one minute walk from JR Yurakucho Station. For more information, check out the official website at Information is also available in English.
東京国際フォーラムでは、日本文化の多彩な魅力を紹介、体験できるイベント「J-CULTURE FEST」を2020年のお正月に開催します。お正月らしい日本文化を体験しながらグルメも楽しめる「正月テーマパーク」では、日本各地のご当地雑煮が登場するほか、毎年恒例となっているオリジナル干支枡での「ふるまい酒」や振る舞い餅の無料配布も実施予定ですので、ぜひお楽しみください。そのほか、着物の着付け体験、和菓子作り、工芸ワークショップ、縁日屋台での遊びなど、日本の伝統的なお正月のイベントが盛りだくさんです。「J-CULTURE FEST」の開催日は1月2日と3日。会場は東京国際フォーラで、入場は無料です。ただし有料のプログラムもあります。会場へのアクセスは、JR「有楽町駅」より徒歩1分です。詳しくは、イベントサイトをご覧ください。英語でも情報をご案内しています。
For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is