The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has launched a Clean-up campaign to approach the problem of abandoned bicycles and appeal to the citizens to take action. In Tokyo, there are currently about 25,000 bicycles abandoned around the stations. Illegally parked bicycles are a social problem that cannot be overlooked, which not only obstruct the traffic of pedestrians and emergency cars, but also spoil the beautiful appearance of the city. This year’s clean-up campaign for abandoned bicycles at the train stations will be held through Thursday, October 31st.
During the campaign period, "Prevention Awareness Caravan Team" including foreign supporters will be sent to the stations where many bicycles are parked, to call for prevention and reduction of abandoned bicycles. On October 29th, the team will visit Shin-Koiwa station in Katsushika Ward and Kamata Station in Ota Ward. We would appreciate your cooperation.
The Dream Yosakoy Matsuri, one of Tokyo's biggest autumn dance festivals will be taking place again this year. The Yosakoy dance, with its roots in Kochi Prefecture, is one of Japan's major dance styles. Dancers from all over Japan will bring their colorful costumes and perform to all kinds of music on the streets of Tokyo. This year 6,000 dancers will be taking part. Also from this year, the metropolitan government will work to give the festival an iconic presence in Tokyo, while contributing to the sustainable society through promoting "SDGs" such as the Orange Ribbon Campaign for the abused children and the Animal Protection Campaign. The "Eve of Festival" on the first day will feature special music performance and tug-of-war event, followed by the second and third day offering full of exciting programs including the YOSAKOY team competition and Bon dance which everyone can join. Local product fairs and food booths will also be set up at the venue. “Dream Yosacoy” pre-festival event will take place on Friday, November 1st, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., and the actual festival will be held on Saturday, the 2nd, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sunday the 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The event will take place in 8 locations, around Odaiba, Marunouchi, Akihabara, and the Tokyo Tower areas. Admission to this event is free. For details, check the website at
最大の規模と質を兼ね備えた秋のお祭り「ドリーム夜さ来い祭り」が11月1日から3日まで開催されます。「よさこい」とは 高知にルーツを持つ日本の代表的な踊りで、全国各地から地域の特色を生かしたダンスチームがカラフルな衣装を身につけ、東京の街を様々なジャンルの音楽に合わせて踊りを披露します。今年は6,000名の踊り子が参加し、迫力のある華麗な演舞を繰り広げます。また今回より、子ども虐待防止オレンジリボンキャンペーンや動物愛護キャンペーンなどの「SDGs」の普及啓発に取り組むことで、持続可能な社会に貢献する、東京の顔に相応しい祭りを目指します。1日の「前夜祭」では特選のミュージックステージ、ODAIBA 夜景 de 綱引き、2日・3日は夜さ来いチーム対抗戦の実施や、飛び入り参加できる総踊りなど、どなたでも楽しめる企画が満載です。ご当地の味、物産展も実施します。開催日時は、11月1日(金)の前夜祭は夕方5時から夜9時、2日(土)は午前11時から夜9時、3日(日)は午前10時~夜9時。会場は、お台場及び丸の内・秋葉原・東京タワーエリアの8会場となります。入場は無料。詳細は公式ウェブサイト、 をご覧下さい。
For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is
今日の放送内容については、英語版「東京都ホームページ」をご覧ください。アドレスは です。