To help foreign nationals living in Tokyo enjoy a comfortable life here, Tokyo Metropolitan Government offers free consultation for foreigners in English, Chinese and Korean.
The counseling service gives advice on a range of topics from problems of daily life to complex issues which may need professional advice such as: medical emergency, housing problems, visa status, marriage and divorce, work related issues and problems related to traffic accidents. Consultation is generally provided over the phone but face-to-face assistance is also available. Consultation is free of charge and confidentiality is strictly observed. Telephone consultations are available in English from Monday through Friday. Call 03-5320-7744. Consultations in Chinese are available at 03-5320-7766 on Tuesdays and Fridays, and consultations in Korean are offered each Wednesday, at 03-5320-7700. Office hours are from 9:30 to noon and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. National holidays are excluded from consultation days.
If you’re coming in person, please go to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Foreign Residents' Advisory Center located in the Main building No.1 in Shinjuku. Again, telephone consultations are available in English from Monday through Friday. Call 03-5320-7744. Consultations in Chinese are available at 03-5320-7766 on Tuesdays and Fridays, and consultations in Korean are offered each Wednesday, at 03-5320-7700.
During Rugby World Cup 2019, former national rugby players from around the world will travel across Japan as influencers to introduce each of the host cities on the Japan Sports Journey website. If you are visiting Japan from abroad to see the rugby matches, you will find useful sightseeing information here. This website can be viewed in English and French.
スポーツ観戦のために来日する外国人旅行者が、東京と日本各地への観光を楽しんでもらえるよう、ラグビーワールドカップ2019期間中に、各国のラグビー元代表選手がインフルエンサーとなり、日本各地に派遣し、各都市の盛り上がり状況や観光情報等を「JAPAN SPORTS JOURNEY」のウェブサイトにて発信します。「JAPAN SPORTS JOURNEY」のウェブサイトは、英語とフランス語に対応していますので、是非ご覧ください。
For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is
今日の放送内容については、英語版「東京都ホームページ」をご覧ください。アドレスは です。