Coming up on October 16th, the Tokyo Metropolitan Labor Consultation Center will hold a free seminar on Japanese labor laws for foreign nationals working in Japan. This seminar is designed to help you understand the basic work rules regarding wages, working hours and layoffs, as well as solutions to common problems encountered by workers in Japan. The lecture will be given in English by an experienced lawyer who has handled many foreign labor consultations. The seminar will be held on the evening of Wednesday, October 16th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Tokyo Shigoto Center 9th floor seminar room in Iidabashi, Chiyoda City. There is no charge for admission. To participate, you must make an application in advance online or via fax. The event is limited to the first 50 applicants. The venue is a 7-minute walk from the east Exit of JR Iidabashi Station or 8-minute walk from the West exit of JR Suidobashi Station. For more details, please search “Seminar on Basic Japanese Labor Laws for Foreign Nationals”
東京都労働相談情報センターは、10月16日に、日本で働く外国人を対象とした、労働法のセミナーを行います。このセミナーでは、賃金、労働時間、解雇などの基本的なワークルールや解雇などのトラブルと対処法をわかりやすく説明します。講師は外国人労働相談を数多く受けている弁護士が英語で行います。日時は、10月16日(水)の午後6時半から8時半。会場は千代田区飯田橋にある、東京都しごとセンター9階セミナー室。受講料は無料。参加ご希望の方は、インターネットまたはFAXから、必ず事前にお申し込みください。定員数50名に達した時点で、受付を終了させていただきます。会場へのアクセスは、JR「飯田橋駅」東口より徒歩7分、JR「水道橋駅」西口より徒歩8分です。詳細は【Seminar on Basic Japanese Labor Laws for Foreign Nationals 】で検索してください。
The Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information website or (HIMAWARI) offers information on medical institutions and pharmacies in foreign languages. On this website, you can narrow down your search through different filters, such as location, consultation days and hours to find medical institutions and pharmacies in Tokyo that support foreign languages. The information on the website is offered in English, Chinese and Korean, and can be viewed from a computer or smartphone. If you are a tourist from abroad and need medical information and language support, please use this service. The website address is Meanwhile, the Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Center has a multi-language help line with staff providing information in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai and Spanish. In case you can’t find a hospital when you are ill or injured, please call 03-5285-8181. You can ask for information on medical facilities that speak your language as well as questions regarding medical system in Japan. Telephone lines are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.
アドレスは、 です。また、電話でのご相談は、東京都保健医療情報センターへおかけください。こちらでは、外国語で診療できる医療機関や日本の医療制度等について、相談員が英語、中国語、韓国語、タイ語、スペイン語でご案内します。電話番号は(03-5285-8181)受付時間は、毎日午前9時から午後8時です。
For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is
今日の放送内容については、英語版「東京都ホームページ」をご覧ください。アドレスは です。