21st/22nd October 2021
17th-23rd October each year is designated "Medicines and Health Week". During this period, awareness activities are held across the country so that as many people as possible can learn about the importance of using medicines correctly and the importance of the role pharmacists play in making that happen.
During this "Medicine and Health Week" period, Shinagawa City holds consultations on medicines and health at pharmacies in the city.
For details, please enquire with the Medicines Subsection of the Life Hygiene Section at Shinagawa City Office. The telephone number is 03-5742-9137.
(Audio) 21st/22nd October 2021 ON AIR: Medicines and Health Week
詳しくは、品川区役所 生活衛生課医薬担当 電話番号 03-5742-9137 までお問い合わせください。