3rd/4th February 2022
The 4 shopping streets of Togoshi-Ginza, Nakanobu, Nishi-Koyama and Musashi-Koyama are holding the “Shinagawa de Takara-sagashi” treasure hunt. It is an interactive event where, with a riddle solving booklet in one hand, participants solve riddles hidden on the streets to find a treasure chest.
Once the treasure chest has been found, participants disclose the keyword and fill in a questionnaire to be entered into a draw for a chance to win a lovely prize.
The event will be on until 6th March.
The riddle solving booklet is available at locations including each Tokyu Line station in Shinagawa City and the Shinagawa Tourism Association.
The location and time period for disclosing the keyword is info&cafe SQUARE, from 10am-5pm.
The keyword can also be submitted through a designated website.
For details, please call the Shinagawa Tourism Association on 03-5743-7642, or the Tourism Promotion Subsection of the Culture and Tourism Section at Shinagawa City Office on 03-5742-6913.
戸越銀座、中延、西小山、武蔵小山の4つの商店街では、謎解き冊子を手に、街中に隠された謎を解きながら、宝箱を探し出す体験型イベント「しながわde 宝探し」が開催されています。
キーワードの報告場所は、info&cafe SQUAREで、午前10時~午後5時まで受け付けています。
くわしくは、しながわ観光協会 電話番号 03-5743-7642、または、品川区役所 文化観光課観光推進係 電話番号 03-5742-6913までお願いします。