Shinagawa Info
20th/21st February 2025
The "Shinagawa City Run 2025" will be held for the first time on Sunday 9th March, as a competition to realize the phrase, "Shinagawa, a city connected by the power of sports, where everyone’s smiles shine brightly".
The event allows city residents to participate in various ways, including as runners, volunteers and supporters.
As well as fostering civic pride among city residents, the aim is to widely promote the attractions of Shinagawa City, and create “a tournament where all residents can shine”.
There will also be a variety of events at the main venue, Oi Racecourse, including stage events and food trucks, so please drop by.
Please note that during the tournament, traffic restrictions will be in place on the course and on roads surrounding the course, so the roads around the course will be congested.
For enquiries, call the Shinagawa City Run Executive Committee Secretariat on 03-5742-7218.
(Audio) 20th/21st February 2025 ON AIR: The Shinagawa City Run 2025
「スポーツの力でつなぐ、みんなの笑顔が輝くまち しながわ」を実現する大会として、区民の皆さんがランナー・ボランティア・応援といったさまざまな形で参加できる「しながわシティラン2025」を、3月9日(日曜日)に初開催します。
電話番号 03-5742-7218 までお願いします。