


Information on the Holding of the National Population Census

PSA Yokohama

The national population census will be conducted with 1st October 2020 as the base date.

The census is conducted every five years and is the country’s most important statistical survey, covering all households and people who reside in Japan. 

There will be 16 survey questions on topics such as the year and month of birth,  nationality, occupation and type of housing.

It is mandatory for foreigners who live in Japan to respond too.

The results of the survey will be used as the basis for measures and policies aimed at creating a city that is comfortable to live in, such as preparing items that are necessary in the event of a disaster at the necessary locations and planning the establishment of new daycare centers.

Census staff will distribute the census forms from 14th to 30th September.

Responses in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, and Portuguese can be submitted via the Internet.

Please enter the “Login ID/Access Key” that was sent to you, and respond by 7th October.

If you would like to respond via a paper questionnaire, please put it in a special envelope and send it by 7th October. 

The city has prepared a "census form translation" in 27 languages.

Please cooperate in this important survey, which can be used for various measures that are essential to our lives.