A Payment Notice for National Health Insurance premiums for fiscal 2024 will be sent out

Shinagawa Info

Shinagawa Info

13th/14th June 2024

A payment notice for National Health Insurance premiums for fiscal 2024, five payment slips for the period from June to October 2024, and one payment slip for a year's worth of premiums will be sent out in mid-June.

For those paying by direct debit, only a payment notice will be sent.

For those who pay by payment slip, five payment slips for the period from November to March of the following year will be sent in mid-November.

For details such as how the insurance premiums are calculated, please see the enclosed leaflet entitled  ‘Konnichiwa. Kokuho desu.’ (Japanese version)

Enquiries should be made to the National Health Insurance, Healthcare and Pension Section at Shinagawa City Office on 03-5742-6676.


(Audio) 13th/14th June 2024 ON AIR: A Payment Notice for National Health Insurance premiums for fiscal 2024 will be sent out






お問い合わせは、品川区役所 国保医療年金課

電話番号 03-5742-6676 までお願いします。