Please use “Welfare Shop Terube”

Shinagawa Info

Shinagawa Info

30th/31st May 2024

“Welfare Shop Terube” sells products that are handmade by people with disabilities who use welfare workshops. The shop offers about 300 different kinds of products, mainly daily necessities and original handicrafts, each made carefully by people with disabilities, utilizing their individual strengths.

Opening hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The shop is located on the 6th floor of the Oimachi branch of Ito-Yokado.

For details, please see the Shinagawa City Council of Social Welfare website.

Enquiries should be made to the Disability Support Section of the Disability Support Division at Shinagawa City Office.

The telephone number is 03-5742-6707.


(Audio) 30th/31st May 2024 ON AIR: Please use “Welfare Shop Terube”





場所は、イトーヨーカドー大井町店 6階です。

詳しくは、社会福祉法人 品川区社会福祉協議会ホームページをご覧ください。

お問い合わせは、品川区役所 障害者支援課 障害者支援係

電話番号 03-5742-6707までお願いします。