The Japanese classes are split into two courses; STEP 1, for complete beginners in Japanese, and STEP 2, for people who can read and write hiragana and understand basic Japanese.
Courses will be held on Wednesdays or Saturdays from January - March.
The venue will be Minato International Association, located at 1-6-3 Kita Aoyama, Minato City.
The course fee is ¥10,000 for Step 1 and ¥12,000 for Step 2.
Fees will be halved for people who live, work, or study in Minato City.
For details, please see the December edition of Minato Monthly or the Minato International Association website.
Minato International Association is in charge of the courses.
In the event of a disaster such as an earthquake, this station, InterFM897, will broadcast important information from Minato City such as evacuation procedures and damage updates.
Minato City also sends out disaster prevention information e-mails to anyone who registers for them. The information is provided in English and Japanese, and covers earthquakes, river levels during heavy rain, and rainfall levels. Information other than this will also be sent, but only in Japanese. The content of the disaster prevention information emails can be viewed on the Minato City website too, in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.
To register for the emails, please do the following:
Send a blank email to .
Click on the registration link in the reply mail, select ‘Japanese’ or ‘English’ and press the OK button.
3) Select the necessary information and press the OK button.
The registration method is set out clearly on the Minato City website, so please take a look. Enquiries will be dealt with (in Japanese only) at the Disaster Prevention Subsection of the Disaster Prevention Section at Minato City Hall. The telephone number is 03-3578-2541.
(Audio) 23rd/26th December 2019 ON AIR: Japanese Language Classes / Disaster Prevention Information E-mails