There will be no collection of waste or recyclables from 31st December to 3rd January, so please do not place waste or recyclables at the collection points during this period.
Minato Recycling and Waste Management Office services will end for the year at 4:25pm on Monday 30th December, and will restart at 7:40am on Saturday 4th January in the New Year.
On Sunday 5th January, there will be burnable waste collections in areas in which collections are on Tuesdays and Fridays, except for areas in which collections are conducted 3 times a week.
Increased waste levels and traffic congestion are expected at year end/new year, so collections may be delayed.
Please make sure you place waste and recyclables at the designated place by 8am (7:30am in some areas) to avoid missing collections.
When disposing of large-sized waste, a reservation is required. Please apply early as the service gets very busy towards the end of the year. The telephone number for the Center for Large-sized Waste is 03-5296-7000.
The year end/new year period sees the biggest waste increase in the year. Please cooperate in putting out your waste so that we can welcome in the new year in a clean environment.
The office in charge is the Minato Recycling and Waste Management Office.
This event features city residents taking to the stage alongside professional artists, to show off the results of their efforts during rehearsals with them.
The date of the event is Sunday 23rd February.
There are two performances, the first from midday - 1pm, and the second from 4pm - 5pm.
The venue is Suntory Hall Blue Rose, located at 1-13-1 Akasaka, Minato City.
The performers will be city residents, Mika Arisaka, and a live band.
200 seats are available per performance. Application is open to everyone, with priority going to people who live, work, or study in Minato City. Admission is free.
The deadline for applications is Friday 27th December.
For event details and how to apply, please see the Minato City website or the December edition of Minato Monthly.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Promotion of Art and Culture Subsection of the Community Promotion Section.