Influenza season is usually from December to March, but this year it has started earlier than usual, from late September.
Washing your hands, gargling and wearing a mask are effective ways of preventing infection.
You should wash your hands carefully when you get home after having been out and before meals.
Influenza vaccinations can also reduce the possibility of infection and be effective in preventing symptoms from becoming severe.
Minato City subsidizes routine vaccinations for those aged 65 or older, and since 1st November, non-routine vaccinations for children aged six months old to children in the third year of junior high school.
For details, please see the Minato City website.
Having a healthy lifestyle is also important for fighting off illness.
Please stay healthy this winter.
For further information, please contact the Public Health and Disease Prevention Subsection of the Public Health and Disease Prevention Section at Minato Public Health Center.
If a disaster such as an earthquake occurs, InterFM897 will provide the necessary information from Minato City, including evacuation procedures and damage updates. Please tune in to InterFM897 if a major earthquake strikes.
Minato City provides furniture tipping prevention devices etc free of charge, with the aim of keeping damage from falling furniture to a minimum in the event of an earthquake. Those eligible are households whose members reside in Minato City and are registered as residents. Aid is available only once per household and is provided in the form of items such as tension rod style devices, which support ceilings and furniture to prevent furniture from tipping over, and shatter prevention film for glass.
Installation of the furniture tipping prevention devices etc will also be provided for senior citizens, people with disabilities, expectant and nursing mothers and single parent families.
To apply, please fill out the application form for ‘aid in furniture tipping prevention devices etc’ and submit it to the Collaboration Project Section at any Regional City Office.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Disaster Prevention Community Support Subsection of the Disaster Prevention Section