The five yearly national census will be conducted simultaneously nationwide, with 1st October 2020 as the base date.
The aim of the census is to clarify the current state of the population and households. It covers everyone who lives in Japan and is conducted in accordance with the Statistics Act.
The results of the survey form the basis for developing various policies for daily life.
In principle, this census will be conducted via the Internet or by post, nationwide.
For internet responses, you can use your laptop or smartphone from 14th September - 20th October.
The postal response period is from 1st - 20th October.
For details on responding via the Internet, please check the materials distributed by the enumerator along with the questionnaires.
There is also a method where the enumerator visits your home to collect the answers, but in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the city asks that you cooperate in responding via the Internet or by post.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Statistical Survey Subsection of the Community Promotion Section.
The National Health Insurance system is a system of mutual assistance, where the insured all pitch in by paying insurance premiums, so that they can receive help for any medical expenses that arise through illness or accidents.
All registered residents of Minato City must enroll in the National Health Insurance except for those who are enrolled in Japan’s public occupational insurance such as company health insurance, those who are on welfare, and those who have a diplomatic status of residence.
Each person who enrolls in the National Health Insurance is issued with a National Health Insurance Card.
People aged between 70 and 74 years old will be issued with a “Certificate of National Health Insurance for people aged 70 to 74 years old” as well as the "National Health Insurance Card".
If you go to a medical institution, please present it at the counter along with your insurance card.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Eligibility and Premium Subsection of the National Health Insurance and Pension Section.
(Audio) 7th/10th September 2020 ON AIR: The National Census / The National Health Insurance System