How to Put Out Recyclables and Waste / Minato Information Mail

Minato Voice

Please sort recyclables and waste properly by type, and place it at collection points by 8am on the designated collection day.

It should be separated into the following categories: recyclable plastics, recyclables, burnable waste, non-burnable waste, and large-sized waste.

Large-sized waste collection requires application separately.

The collection days and times, collection places, and disposal methods differ for each category. Please follow the rules for recyclables and waste disposal, so all city residents can live comfortably.

For further details on recyclables and waste disposal methods and collection days, please see the ‘Sorting Recyclables and Waste Guidebook’, the ‘Garbage Sorting App’, or the Minato City website.

The address of the Minato City website is

The subsection in charge at Minato Recycling and Waste Management Office is the Waste Reduction/Recycling Promotion Subsection.


Minato City sends out administrative information by email to non-Japanese. It is available in easy Japanese, English, Korean, and Chinese.

The information that is sent out is useful for daily life and covers areas such as events held by Minato City, tourism, disaster prevention, childrearing, health and welfare.

If you would like to register for and view the information, please do so through the internet. Search for Minato Information Mail.

For enquiries, call the Global Community Planning Subsection of the Community Promotion Section at Minato City Hall. The telephone number is 03-3578-2565.


(Audio) 20th/23rd July 2020 ON AIR: How to Put Out Recyclables and Waste / Minato Information Mail