The Minato City Barrier-free Map is an online map that provides information on barrier-free equipment at Minato City’s facilities, including public and transportation facilities, parks, and public toilets. It is available so that people such as senior citizens, people with disabilities, and people with infants in tow, can go out without any worries.
It can be used on laptops, smartphones, and mobile phones. Japanese and English versions are available.
Search for "Minato City Barrier Free Map" to make use of the map.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Community Health and Welfare Subsection of the Health and Welfare Section.
Next, information on updates to the Minato City website’s “Information on the new coronavirus infection".
Minato City updates daily and distributes "Information on the new coronavirus infection" on its website.
The "Consultation Chat" displayed at the bottom right of the screen on the Minato City homepage, will answer your questions on the new coronavirus 24 hours a day, so please use this service.
The Minato City website is at
The section in charge at Minato City Hall is the Public Relations Strategy Subsection of the Office of the Mayor.