Child Allowance will be provided to people who are raising children of junior high school age or below who reside in the city as of the fiscal year 2020.
The monthly allowance per child is 15000 yen for children under the age of 3, and 10,000 yen for those aged 3 yrs old and above until they finish junior high school. If the maximum income level is exceeded, the allowance is ¥5,000 per child.
Those who are currently receiving Child Allowance must submit a ‘Current Statement report’ to renew their recipient qualification.
The document is sent out in June, so please submit it by 30th June. If you do not submit it, you may not be able to receive the allowance from June onwards. Submission of the report is required even if you are moving out of Minato City on or after 1st June.
For enquiries, call the Children's Benefit Subsection of the Child and Family Section at Minato City Hall on 03-3578-2431
The National Health Insurance Premium Statement and Payment Slips etc. based on income in 2019, will be sent out to heads of households on 16th June.
National Health Insurance premiums are calculated by household, based on the number of people covered by National Health Insurance and the total sum of income for 2019.
Insurance premiums for fiscal 2020 will be paid over 10 months, from June, to March of the following year.
Payments can be made at financial institutions and convenience stores, and through "Mobile Regi", as well as at Minato City Hall and at counters at Regional City Offices.
The subsection in charge is the Eligibility and Premium Subsection of the National Health Insurance and Pension Section at Minato City Hall.