


‘Minato Information Board’ on Facebook / Tokyo HIV Testing and Consultation Month is from 1st - 30th June

Minato Voice

‘Minato Information Board’ on Facebook disseminates information in English and easy Japanese on Minato City’s internationalization activities and events, as well as useful information about everyday life.

There is also an AI based Chatbot service.

If you click on the send message button and ask a question on a topic such as daily living information, you will receive and AI response in chat format. To use the service, you must download the free Messenger app.  Search ‘Minato Information Board’ on the Minato City website to access it.

Enquiries should be made to the Global Community Planning Subsection of the Community Promotion Section at Minato City Hall. The telephone number is 03-3578-2046 or 03-3578-2524.


Tokyo HIV Testing and Consultation Month is from 1st - 30th June.

The onset of AIDS occurs when the immune system is compromised due to HIV infection.

Even if you have contracted HIV, there is a period of 3-10 years on average when you will be symptom free, so you will not realize you have contracted the virus unless you are tested. AIDS medications have progressed to the point where they can suppress the onset of the disease if you start the appropriate treatment at an early stage.

Getting tested leads to early detection and onset prevention.

It is also important to know if you are HIV positive in order to prevent transmitting the virus to other people.

Tests should be taken after 60 days have passed since possible infection. Test items are HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Tests will be conducted in order of application, and require a telephone reservation.

The tests are basically conducted every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. However, at the moment, AIDS testing at Minato Public Health Center has been temporarily suspended due to the spread of the new Coronavirus.

Tests are still being conducted at Tokyo Minami-Shinjuku Testing and Consultation Center so please make use of this service.

For details on each test, please see the Minato City website.

The subsection in charge at Minato Public Health Center is the Public Health and Disease Prevention Subsection of the Public Health and Disease Prevention Section.


(Audio) 18th/21st May 2020 ON AIR: ‘Minato Information Board’ on Facebook / Tokyo HIV Testing and Consultation Month is from 1st - 30th June