


Information on De-registration Procedures for Vehicles / Home Delivery of Minato Monthly

Minato Voice

A light motor vehicle tax (category base) is imposed on people who own scooters, special compact vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles (motorbikes), light three-wheeled vehicles or light four-wheeled vehicles etc. as of 1st April.

If you no longer possess your vehicle because it has been scrapped, given away, stolen, or because you are leaving Japan, you need to complete the de-registration procedures for your vehicle by the end of March.

Delaying the procedure may lead to you being taxed for fiscal 2021 as well.

The contact for enquiries differs according to vehicle type.

    For scooters up to 125cc and special compact vehicles, enquire with the Counter Services Subsection of the Residents Support Section at any Regional City Office (except at Shiba Regional City Office, where enquiries should be made to the Consultation Subsection), or the Daiba Annex. 

The telephone number for the Tax Administration Subsection of the Taxation Section at Minato City Hall is 03-3578-2111 (ext 2589~2591). 

    For two-wheeled vehicles over 125cc, please contact the Tokyo Transport Branch Office.

The address is 1-12-17 Higashi-Oi, Shinagawa City, and the telephone number is 050-5540-2030

    For light three- or four-wheeled vehicles up to 660cc, enquiries should be made to the Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization. 

The address is 3-3-7 Konan, Minato City, and the telephone number is 050-3816-3100.

The subsection in charge of vehicle de-registration procedures at Minato City Hall is the Tax Administration Subsection of the Taxation Section.


Minato City publishes ‘Minato Monthly’, an English newsletter, on the first of each month. 

It contains information on Minato City’s administrative services and local events, and health check notices etc.

Minato Monthly is available at Minato City Hall, regional city offices, and each Minato City library, as well as at the main post offices and stations in Minato City. 

It is delivered along with subscriptions of the Japan Times/International New York Times too.

It can be viewed on the Minato City website. 

The newsletter can also be sent free of charge to the homes of foreign residents of Minato City. 

If you would like to make use of this service, please apply through the Minato City website, or enquire with Minato Call on 03-5472-3710

Lines are open from 8am-8pm.


(Audio) 15th/18th March 2021 ON AIR: Information on De-registration Procedures for Vehicles / Home Delivery of Minato Monthly