Minato Voice
21st/24th February 2022
This week’s edition begins with information on aid in furniture tipping prevention devices.
Minato City provides furniture tipping prevention devices etc free of charge, with the aim of keeping damage from falling furniture to a minimum in the event of an earthquake. Those eligible are households whose members reside in Minato City and are registered as residents.
Aid is available only once per household and is provided in the form of items such as tension rod style devices, which support ceilings and furniture to prevent furniture from tipping over, and shatter prevention film for glass.
For senior citizens, people with disabilities, expectant and nursing mothers and single parent families, installation of the furniture tipping prevention devices etc will also be provided.
To apply, please fill out the application form for ‘aid in furniture tipping prevention devices etc’.
This is available at the Collaboration Project Section at any Regional City Office.
The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Disaster Prevention Community Support Subsection of the Disaster Prevention Section.
Next, information on the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
This information is up to date as of 8th February.
People eligible for vaccination with the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are Minato City residents aged 18 or older who have already had 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and want a third dose.
The vaccination ticket for the third dose will be sent out before six months has passed since completion of the second vaccination.
Vaccination venues include Minato City Sports Center, International University of Health and Welfare - Tokyo Akasaka Campus, and Tokyo Grand Hotel, as well as approximately 130 medical institutions in Minato City.
From March, vaccinations will also start up at Tokyo Dome.
Vaccination reservations for group vaccinations should be made by phone or via the internet, through the dedicated reservations website.
The reservations website is available in Japanese only.
For telephone reservations, please contact the Minato City COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center on 0120-252-237.
Available languages are Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.
Calls will be answered from 8:30am-8pm on weekdays, and from 8:30am-5:30pm on weekends and national holidays.
For individual vaccinations, please enquire with the relevant medical institution.
The subsection in charge at Minato Public Health Center is the COVID-19 Vaccinations Subsection of the Public Health and Disease Prevention Section.