Minato Voice
14th/17th February 2022
This week’s edition begins with information on Traffic Personal Accident Insurance for Minato City Residents.
The Minato City Residents’ Traffic Personal Accident Insurance is an insurance system with a low insurance premium.
It pays out insurance for hospital admissions and outpatient treatment based on the number of days or treatment period, if the policyholder is injured in a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle.
The Bicycle Liability Insurance Plan is also available.
This covers legal damages if you injure someone or break someone’s belongings as a result of an accident involving a bicycle, or a wheelchair for people with disabilities.
Those eligible are people whose residence, school or workplace is in Minato City as of 1st April 2022.
For details, please see the pamphlet distributed at each Regional City Office, or the Minato City website.
The section in charge at Minato City’s Regional City Offices is the Collaboration Project Section.
Next, information on the payment of National Health Insurance premiums.
If you don’t pay the national health insurance premiums by the payment deadline, a letter such as a demand notice will be sent to you.
If the non-payment period exceeds a year, you may be issued with an ‘Eligibility Certificate’.
This will still provide medical cover, but the holder will initially be required to pay the medical costs in full at the medical institution.
In some cases, assets may be seized.
Please pay your insurance premiums by the deadline so that this does not happen.
If you are having difficulty paying the premiums, please consult the National Health Insurance and Pension Section at Minato City Hall.
For enquiries, contact the Eligibility and Premium Subsection of Minato City’s National Health Insurance and Pension Section.