Minato Voice
10tn/13th January 2022
Influenza is prevalent from December to March each year. Washing your hands, disinfecting your hands and wearing a mask are effective ways of preventing infection.
You should wash your hands carefully when you get home after having been out and before meals.
Although it is getting cold, please remember to ventilate rooms. These measures will prevent Covid19 infection too.
The influenza vaccine is said to decrease the possibility of infection and prevent symptoms from becoming severe.
Minato City has systems in place to subsidize the costs of routine vaccinations for those aged 65 and over, and voluntary vaccinations for children from the age of 6 months to the third grade of junior high school.
For details, please see the Minato City website.
The subsection is charge at Minato Public Health Center is the Public Health and Disease Prevention Subsection of the Public Health and Disease Prevention Section.
Having a healthy lifestyle is also important for fighting off illness.
Please stay healthy this winter.
In principle, vaccination with the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be possible 8 months or more after the completion of the second vaccination.
(This vaccination period is regulation as of 10th December 2021.)
vaccination tickets sequentially by Minato Public Health Center when they become eligible for the third dose of the vaccine.
Vaccination tickets were sent out at the end of December 2021 to those who had completed their second vaccination by the end of May 2021.
Those who received their second vaccination from June 2021 onwards will be sent vaccination tickets sequentially before 8 months has passed.
Those who would like the COVID-19 vaccination after moving in to Minato City should submit the “application for vaccination ticket issuance”.
This can be downloaded from the Minato City website.
For details on the third dose of the vaccine, please see the Minato City website.
Enquiries should be made to the COVID-19 Vaccinations Subsection of the Public Health and Disease Prevention Section at Minato Public Health Center.