


What to do in the event of a major earthquake

PSA Yokohama

You should make preparations in everyday life so that you do not panic if a large earthquake strikes.

Constant Preparedness

    Keep a fire extinguisher in the house and take measures to prevent furniture from toppling over or falling.

    Make sure that sanitary goods such as thermometers and masks, as well as food and water, and other valuable items are stored where they can be taken with you at any time.

    Decide on contact methods, evacuation sites and meeting points with your family.

If a large earthquake strikes, you should take ‘safety measures appropriate for your situation’

    When in the home

Protect your head with something nearby, such as a cushion or pillow and get under something such as a sturdy table. 

    When Outside 

Move away from things that could topple over such as telegraph poles, and from buildings where objects such as signs could fall off. 

Do not go near rivers or the sea as there is a danger of tsunamis.

    If public transport has stopped and you cannot get home, do not move around unnecessarily. Stay at your place of work or in an evacuation shelter.

[Evacuation Shelters]

    If evacuation is necessary, evacuate to a nearby school, park or safe open space.

    If your house has collapsed and you cannot live in it, please evacuate to a 'Local Disaster-Prevention Shelter' in an elementary or junior high school.

For the locations of 'Local Disaster-Prevention Shelters', enquire with the General Affairs Section of your local ward office. 

    If the evacuation site is in danger due to fires spreading, evacuate to a regional evacuation site such as a large park or square.

[Foreign Language Broadcasts in an Emergency]

Radio: InterFM897