


Preventing Heatstroke

PSA Yokohama

Heatstroke is when a hot or humid environment disrupts the balance in the body's fluids and salt levels, causing loss of thermoregulatory function, which in turn leads to an array of symptoms, including fever, dizziness, listlessness, and in severe cases, seizures and abnormal levels of consciousness.

Heatstroke is common in July and August in Japan. On sunny days following several days of rain, temperatures can rise suddenly. Extra care should be taken in such situations, as our bodies are not used to the heat. Today, I will be introducing four pointers for preventing heatstroke.

1. Replenishing fluids and salt

You should drink fluids regularly even if you do not feel thirsty. As a guide, you should aim to drink 150-200ml each time. If you have sweated a lot, please try to  take in the appropriate amount of salt too, through sports drinks etc.

2. Paying attention to clothing

It is also important to choose breathable clothing, made of materials such as cotton or linen. If you go out, try to avoid direct sunlight by wearing a hat or using a parasol.

3. Adjusting the temperature of the room

When inside, use curtains to block out direct sunlight and open doors and windows to ventilate rooms. Don’t overdo things on hot, humid days. Use air-conditioning and fans. The target temperature for rooms should be 28℃.

4. Health maintenance in daily life

Sweating as a result of moderate exercise in daily life is important. If you have not had enough sleep or are unwell, you should take extra care.

Keep yourself in top physical condition, and enjoy the summer!