Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) Accepted for "Food Support for Children"

Shinagawa Info

Shinagawa City is collecting donations through the Furusato Nozei (hometown tax) system for continued support of the Children's Cafeteria and the "Happy Dinner-table project", which delivers food to single-parent families.

The donation period is until 31st December.

There are various payment methods including credit card payment. You can also donate using the payment handling slip distributed by the Child-rearing Support Section at Shinagawa City Office.

The project’s aim is to deliver a healthy future to children by providing food support. We ask for your kind cooperation.

For details, please call the Child-rearing Support Section at Shinagawa City Office on 03-5742-6385.


(Audio) 1st/2nd October 2020 ON AIR: Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) Accepted for “Food Support for Children”




クレジットカードをはじめ、様々な決済方法があります。また、品川区役所 子育て応援課で配布する払込取扱票による納付も可能です。


詳しくは、品川区役所 子育て応援課 電話番号 03-5742-6385 にお問い合わせください。